About this Website
This website is an accessible, online version of the Lewisham Small Sites Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and accompanying documents, which has been developed, and is hosted by, RCKa architects, at the request of Lewisham Council. The responsibility for the design of this site and its contents is with RCKa, so any comments or queries should be directed to hello@lewishamsmallsites.co.uk.
This website allows you to read through all the SPD and accompanying documents easily and efficiently. It adapts to the size of your phone, tablet or computer, and you can zoom in to read the text and images at a comfortable size. Readers with accessibility requirements should also find it easy to navigate through this document with a screen reader, in a way that they might not be able to with a PDF.
The SPD provides a set of clear, simple and no-nonsense suggestions for how to approach the design and appraisal of small sites housing developments in Lewisham.
Like many of London’s boroughs, Lewisham has an ambitious target to meet for the delivery of new homes on small sites, as set out in the London Plan.
To achieve this target of 3,790 new homes over the next 10 years, significant development will be necessary and this document provides guidance on planning policy, character and heritage, sustainability and design quality, to ensure that all new homes delivered over this period work as well as they can for the people who live in and around them.
The accompanying Vision document explains why the SPD was created, and the Appendix includes a wealth of useful background information on the different neighbourhoods of Lewisham.
Click on the yellow menu box to the top of each page to access the document you’re most interested in, then click on the submenu that appears on the left (or underneath the main menu in mobile mode) to navigate to wherever you want inside that section.
We welcome any feedback on the site, so please drop us a line at hello@lewishamsmallsites.co.uk.