1. Introduction
1.1. Executive Summary
This document is the Lewisham Small Sites Development Strategy.
It is Part 1 of three documents which are:
- Part 1: The Small Sites Development Strategy (this document) sets out a high level strategic vision for delivering more homes, including affordable homes, on Lewisham’s small sites, underpinned by a series of objectives to achieve this vision
- Part 2: The Small Sites Design Guide which forms an SPD to guide the delivery of small sites intensification in Lewisham
- Part 3: Appendices which provide additional information in support of the above
This Part 1 Development Strategy document:
- Defines what a small site is
- Identifies a series of site types which align closely with Lewisham’s existing key policies
- Describes why developing small sites is important
- Targets eight key objectives
- Examines the national, London-wide and local policy context for delivering small sites
- Describes Lewisham’s suburban growth
- Identifies potential areas for intensified small sites development
1.2. Purpose of this document
This document sets out Lewisham’s vision for how small sites can help meet its housing need.
Encouraging the delivery of small sites will:
- Deliver more homes, including those that are genuinely affordable
- Help Lewisham meet its annual housing targets
- Safeguard Lewisham’s income from the New Homes Bonus
- Diversify from reliance on large strategic sites
- Support local builders and developers, stimulating the local economy
- Increase density, and thereby improve viability of local services
- Improve infrastructure through CIL and S106 contributions