For each of the eighteen wards of Lewisham we have produced a map allowing us to understand the distinct administrative areas. Onto these maps we have overlaid additional data sets, including planning policy constraints, flood risk, public transport accessibility levels, and so on.
Some of these include details of small site planning approvals so that we can see where small site developments are successfully reaching completion, and where they are not. These maps also show the patterns of development, including applications which have been approved, but not built, so that we can build up a picture of the pattern of small site development across Lewisham.
Also identified on these maps are:
The 2021 London Plan H2 Policy area showing areas that are within 800 metres of a station, town centre boundary, or with a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) of 3 or more
Local policy areas, including conservation areas, town centre boundaries
Topographic information including contours, railways, roads, green space, woodlands, waterways and buildings
In May 2022 the ward boundaries and names will be changing, and the number of wards will change from eighteen to nineteen. The map to the right shows an overview of the updated boundaries and names.
On the following pages we have provided detailed maps for each of the wards as they were at the time of writing, and how they will be after the changes in 2022.